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Monday, September 2, 2019

5 Tips for Traveling Solo in Asia while Black!

I traveled to Shanghai China, Phuket & Bangkok Thailand and Malaysia. On my travels throughout Asia I realized just how much of a unicorn being Black really was!

Here are 5 tips I would give someone who wants to travel to Asia while Black!

Tip #3 Smile for Pictures! 
Mom Im finally a star! 🎬📸

You are definitely going to get approached for pictures and videos. I did not mind at all.  If you do mind, just politely say "No thank you".  I expected this in China but not in Malaysia since Malaysia is a
 multicultural, and diverse country whereas China is homogeneous in race. 
 In Malaysia I smiled for the pictures but I ask, Why? One group from the middle east said "Because we like you" One man in China got a little aggressive and approached me with his phone on Facetime and they were laughing so I just politely walked away. Overall, it was a great experience and I finally had paparazzi chasing me! 

Tip #2 Respect the Culture! 
When I arrived in Malaysia I couldn't figure out why I was getting so many stares. Some  people even had a disgusted look. Was it because of being black?  That's when I realized everyone was dressed in Islamic clothing and dressed very modest. I had on a tank top with my shoulders uncovered and shorts it was very humid and nearly (100 degrees).  I quickly went through my luggage and covered up! I wanted to respect the culture and blend in as much as possible. Please do your research of the cultures and traditions before arriving to prevent this happening to you! 

Tip #3 Be a positive Representation for Black people 
You may be the only Black person they  have encountered  in their life. Therefore, please make it a positive interaction.  I smiled alot, and was very pleasant when I was out and visiting landmark.  I respected the culture as mentioned earlier.  I was just very aware of being watched.  However, it did not affect my enjoyment of Asia.

Tip #4  When and if you see another Black person by All means Speak!

Hey we are unicorns there, so if you see another black person say hello or at least nod! I met a lady on the airplane traveling from Phuket to Malaysia and we hung out most of my trip. Now, I don't mean you should impose yourself on someone else's solo trip, but sometimes you can get lonely in a nonenglish speaking country and missing what's familiar and a nod or hello can feel great!( or maybe a nod or hello can make you feel as sense of belonging) While in Phuket sitting at a outdoor bar a group of black women walked by, I was so happy to see them but my enthusiasm quickly changed as I said "hello" they kept walking by without as much as a nod! SMH!

Tip #5 Watch out for being viewed as
               The Jezebel Stereotype!
Are Black women viewed as being seductive, alluring and promiscuous?

Sometimes being too friendly could be misinterpreted.
My tip is to stay safe at all times. If a man is buying you a drink just be upfront about not being interested in anything beyond that. The man pictured above was very nice, but his friend( not pictured )was very  disrespectful. I had to be clear about my intentions and what I would not allow or stand for!

Ladies have you ever been propositioned while overseas, or treated in a disrespectful way?

Do you get excited when encountering another black person while overseas?

Comments Below! Thanks for reading 

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5 Tips for Traveling Solo in Asia while Black!

I traveled to Shanghai China, Phuket & Bangkok Thailand and Malaysia. On my travels throughout Asia I realized just how much of a u...